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Knowledge Zone


Take your projects to the next level, using our helpful hints & tips

Use our guides & tutorials to supercharge your interactive creations.

Interactive tutorials for you. Dive into our ‘How To’ interactive videos to get you up and running.

Invite your team members to view, edit or manage your Stornaway project with our collaboration feature.

Add scoring and variable logic to projects. Use our game settings feature to add more advanced settings to your choices.

Show feedback to viewers by displaying scores throughout their play-through.

FAQs and tips on our publishing process and how to embed your interactive videos.

All you need to know for exporting projects to other platforms and apps.

Feeling inspired? Dig deeper into the ways that interactive and engagement go hand-in-hand

🧙‍♂️ Use the arrows → to scroll for more interactive video use cases

Where next?

Read through our blog posts, customer stories and news articles and learn more about how interactive videos and can work for you.