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Interactive storytelling for Film, Games & TV

🌎 Immerse your audience in the world you create

“Our whole production process has been revolutionised by” – Paul Raschid

🚀 Revolutionise your production process

Stornaway is designed to let you immerse yourself in the storytelling without worrying about anything technical – knowing that you have all the code taken care of behind the scenes when you are ready to publish. 

“Having that as a blueprint – having that Stornaway build – has really made the workflow completely seamless because everyone has been singing from the same song sheet.” – Paul Raschid, Director of “The Complex”, “Death Trap Dungeon”, “Five Dates” and “The Gallery”

A red carpet scene. A man in a dark blazer and light trousers walks with a lady in a long red dress and another man in a dark suit. There are crowds and photographers.

When interactive filmmakers and FMV game producers come to expecting a regular interactive video tool, they quickly realise that’s only the start of what the platform has to offer:

Simplify the process:
Quickly set up choices and branching storylines

Provide real-time testing:
You control the interactive writing and editing

Bring interactivity to your story

👋 Using Stornaway in Pre Production

Directors have found that a really magic moment is when they use Stornaway early in the process:

Using the Story Map to plot out multiple paths and playtest their story

LMPF Story Map in Stornaway
Life Moves Pretty Fast - Story Map in interactive video tool

Using Stornaway’s interactive scriptwriting tool to help write each Story Island in detail and develop powerful non-linear narratives

Being able to bring the cast and crew together on the same page, with the physical visualisation of the writer and director’s ideas

The Gallery screenshot

💡 What can you make with Stornaway?

From choose-your-own-adventure style stories, documentaries, accessible television content, audiobooks, quizzes to interactive feature films like The Gallery and more.

Get inspired: The Stornaway Community Showcase >

Join our community of thousands of interactive storytellers, filmmakers and game designers who love Stornaway’s simplicity and power > Visit our Stornaway Creator Showcase

🌟 Using for Film Games and Television: key platform features

Head over to our features page or watch some of our video tutorials below:

Work with your team – wherever they’re based

For Quest, Apple Vision Pro, mobile & desktop apps – with no coding!

📣 Stornaway is brilliant for all ingenues in the immersive story game-making business – guiding you through the process from initial script to delivery. All technical and programming issues are taken care of – so you can concentrate on the creative side of things.” – Lily Sykes, Director of P(a)innochio, Staatstheater Kassel, Germany

Keep track of scores, adjust character relationships or manage inventories

Keep your player “on-brand”

👥 It showed me what fun could be had with the form, how you could acknowledge it, break the fourth wall and develop an exciting relationship with an audience..” Tyrell Williams, BAFTA Elevate writer/director. Read more on his project “A Little Hungover” >> 

For turly immersive experiences

Use the right buttons for your project

Get it all planned out. Which Stornaway plan is right for you?

We have a plan for all occasions, even a free trial to get you started.

Jump in today with our free plan to test and demo the platform with to your team.

Our packages can be created and customised to ensure that you and your team have the set-up that works for you. So get in touch with our solutions team via our contact form and check out 🔬Stornaway Labs to learn more about some of the possibilities with add-ons and customisations, using our player API, Unity plugin, Adobe integrations and more.

▶️ Ready to get started?